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2. Parpiev A.P. Fundamentals of complex solutions to the problems of maintaining fiber quality and increasing productivity in the initial processing of raw cotton: Dis. … doctor of technical sciences. Tashkent, 1990.450 p.
3. Gulyaev R.A. Methods of creating integrated technology of wetting of raw cotton and cotton fiber in ginning enterprises. Dis. … doctor of technical sciences. Tashkent, 2016. 200 p.
4. Kayumov A. X. Improving the uniformity of drying of raw cotton components by optimizing the temperature regime // Diss. for degree. Ph.D. Tashkent. 1994. 177 p.
5. Mardonov B.M. Process modeling of buttermilk industry technology. T., TTESI, 2016. 210 p.