1. Das Maxwellsche Gesetz der Geschwindigkeitsverteilung in der Relativtheorie
2. For details see K. Imre [The University of Michigan Radiation Laboratory Rept. 2756-1-F, (ARL-TR-60-274, Part II) (1961)].
3. The Kronecker delta δν1ν2⋯νnμ1μ2⋯μn may be defined as δν1ν2⋯νnμ1μ2⋯μn≡det(δνjμi) = δν1μ1⋯δνnμ1⋮⋮δν1μn⋯δνnμn. Also, δjα = 0 for α = 4 and = δjk for α = k(= 1,2,3).
4. Cyclotron Radiation from a Hot Plasma
5. B. A. Trubnikov, inPlasma Physics and the Problem of Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions, edited by M. A. Leontovich, translation editor, J. Turkevich (Pergamon Press, New York, 1960), Vol. 3.