The environment as a source of formation of hazards for humans


Grigorieva E.,Babaeva A.,Osipov D.


AIP Publishing

Reference18 articles.

1. A. A. Babaeva, E. V. Grigorieva, “Household waste recycling technologies International science and technology conference ‘Earth Science’” (IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 012005, 2021).

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3. A. A. Babaeva, E. V. Grigorieva, “Environmental problems of modern civilization and modern technologies for their solution” (Technosphere processes: regional aspect: materials of the 1st All Russian scientific and applied conference, Cheboksary, 2018), pp. 58–64.

4. A. A. Babaeva, E. V. Grigorieva, “Ecology of the city” (Technosphere processes: regional aspect: materials of the 2st All Russian scientific and applied conference, Cheboksary), pp. 110–115.

5. A. A. Babaeva, E. V. Grigorieva, “Environmental ecology” (Technosphere processes: regional aspect: materials of the 2st All Russian scientific and applied conference, Cheboksary), pp. 115–120.







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