1. A.A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science, RAS, Leninsky Prospect 49, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation
2. The International Centre for Dense Magnetized Plasmas, ul. Hery 23, 01-497 Warsaw, Poland
3. Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, ul. Aviamotornaya 8а, 111024 Moscow, Russian Federation
4. School of Natural Sciences and Health, Tallinn University, Narva Road 25, Tallinn 10120, Estonia
5. The Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, ul. Hery 23, 01-497 Warsaw, Poland
6. A.I. Alikhanov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics of NRC “Kurchatov Institute”, ul. Bolshaya
Cheremushkinskaya 25, 117218 Moscow, Russian Federation