1. ACT‐I: A steady‐state torus for basic plasma physics research
2. Intense relativistic electron beam injector system for tokamak current drive
3. V. L. Bailey,Steady State Current Drive in Tokamaks(U.S. DOE, Washington, D.C., 1979), p. 99.
4. A. Mohri, K. Narihara, Y. Tomita, M. Hasegawa, S. Kubo, T. Tsuzuki, T. Kobata, and H. H. Fleischmann,Proceedings of the International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research(IAEA, Vienna, 1985), Vol. 3, p. 395;
5. Proceedings of the International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research(IAEA, Vienna, 1979), Vol. 3, p. 311.