1. B. Langdon, see National Technical Information Service Document No. DE830O2431 [LLNL Laser Program Annual Report, pp. 3–56 (1981)]. Copies may be ordered from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161. The price is $22.95 plus a $3.00 handling fee. All orders must be prepaid.
2. C. E. Max,Proceedings of Les Houches Session XXXIV, edited by R. Balian and J. C. Adams (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1982), p. 302 and references therein.
3. Parametric instabilities of electromagnetic waves in plasmas
4. Hydrodynamics of plasma in a strong high-frequency field
5. E. P. Liang, J. Wong, and J. Garrison, AIAAConference Reports 84-1621(AIAA, New York, 1984).