1. Beblostr 8, 81677 München, Germany
2. Østre Kirkevej 19, 4000 Roskilde, Denmark
3. 27 Cavendish Rd., Matlock DE4 3GY, United Kingdom
The collection optics of Thomson scattering systems for plasma devices are designed with maximum possible étendue to keep the required laser energy low. If the spatial resolution along the laser beam is performed by a time-of-flight method, then the detectors, in addition to a large sensitive area, must offer a high frequency bandwidth. Up until now, only microchannel-plate photomultipliers meet these requirements. Here, we investigate the potential use of digital avalanche photodiode arrays operated in the Geiger mode as alternative detectors. In this mode of operation, each array will serve as a fast, sensitive detector. The use of these detectors will lead to significant improvements of the Thomson scattering diagnostic. Most important of these will be a better spatial resolution, down to about 2 cm without deconvolution. Furthermore, the lifetime of the detectors will be increased; the detectors will cover the whole blue wing of the scattered spectrum when using a single wavelength laser, and this will enable measurements of electron temperature and density profiles at kHz repetition rates.