1. Kostyuk A.I., Bespalov D.A., Romanov V.V. The principles of creating a system for processing and storage of GNSS data for the task of perimeter protection. Technical Sciences”. – Maikop: Adyghe State University Publishing House, 2020. – Iss. 2 (261), P. 74–79.
2. Alexey N. Samoylov, Andrey I. Kostyuk, Viktor S. Potapov. The methods for processing and storage of GNSS data for the task of perimeter protection. International Scientific Conference “Intelligent Information Technology & Mathematical Modeling” (“IIT&MM-2020”) Don State Technical University, 1 Gagarin Square, Rostov-on-Don, Russia September 21st – 25th, 2020.
3. Application of Multi-System Combination Precise Point Positioning in Landslide Monitoring
4. Analyzing Precision and Efficiency of Global Navigation Satellite System-Derived Height Determination for Coastal and Island Areas
5. Performance evaluation of the filters with adaptive factor and fading factor for GNSS/INS integrated systems