1. R. Norman, B. Siskavich, S. Fafard, L. Bechou, R. Ares, V. Aimez and L. G. Frechette, “Trough-Lens-Cone Optics with Microcell Arrays: High Efficiency at Low Cost”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2012, 090006, 2018
2. K. A.W. Horowitz, M. Woodhouse, G. Smestad, H. Lee “A Bottom-up Cost Analysis of a High-Concentration PV Module”, CPV-11, 2015
3. J. Hyatt, C. Davila, N. Didato, R. Peon, M. Rademacher, D. Reshidko, F. Sodari, P. Strittmatter, G. Vincent, B. Wheelwright, C. Zammit, J. R. P. Angel, “CPV generator with dish reflector and fly’s eye receiver”, CPV-14
4. R. Norman, B. Bouzazi, B. Siskavich, E. Leveille, J-F. Dufault, O. Arenas, R. Ares, V. Aimez and L. Frechette, “Shingled-row dense Receiver Array (DRA) for CPV” CPV-13, 2017
5. J. Lasich, I. Thomas, W. Hertaeg, D. Shirley, N. Faragher, N. Erenstrom, S. Carter, B. Cox, and X. Zuo, “A 200kW central receiver CPV system” AIP Conference Proceedings 1679, 2015