1. J. Wesson, Tokamaks, 4th Edition 2011, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 253–258
2. Neutral Beam Heating & Current Drive (NB H&CD) System, ITER JCT, Naka, ITER Technical Basis 2002, Detailed Design Document (DDD5.3), Vienna, IAEA.
3. E.D. Dlougach, BTR webpage (2010), URL: https://sites.google.com/site/btrcode/ (updated 01.09.2020)
4. E.D. Dlougach, BTR code source (2020), URL: https://github.com/EDlougach/BTR (updated 13.07.20)
5. Benchmark of numerical tools simulating beam propagation and secondary particles in ITER NBI