1. J. M. Dawson, A. Hertzberg, G. C. Vlases, H. G. Ahlstrom, L. C. Steinhauer, R. E. Kidder, and W. L. Kruer, inProceedings of the Esfahan Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Laser Physics, edited by M. S. Feld, A. Javan, and N. A. Kurnit (Wiley, New York, 1973), p. 119;
2. and L. C. Steinhauer, G. C. Vlases, R. T. Taussig, A. L. Hoffman, P. H. Rose, H. J. Willenberg, D. C. Quimby, and G. L. Woodruff, Electric Power Research Institute Report ER-171 (1976).
3. Propagation of Coherent Radiation in a Cylindrical Plasma Column
4. L. C. Steinhauer, Ph.D. thesis, University of Washington (1970), p. 148.
5. Faraday Rotation of a Far-Infrared Laser Beam by a Small Theta-Pinch Plasma