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2. I. S. Amosov and V. A. Skragan, Turning: Accuracy, Vibrations, and Surface Finish, (MASHGIZ Publishing, Moscow-Leningrad, 1958), 91 p.
3. M. N. Bogomolov, Reasons for Self-Induced Oscillations in Cutting, Collected Research Papers. (Published by: Yucom Consulting, OOO Tambov, 2017) Letters 1-3 (27), pp. 25–30.
4. B. V. Leontiev and A. N. Leontieva, “Cutting Process Management to Remove Vibrations”, Vologodinsky Conference. (Far East Federal University, Vladivostok, 2012), pp. 159–162.
5. L. S. Murashkin and S. L. Murashkin, Applied Non-Linear Mechanics of Machine Tools, (Mashinostroeniye Publishing (Leningrad Office), Leningrad, 1977), 192 p.