1. Analysis of Steady-State Supported One-Dimensional Detonations and Shocks
2. H. Jones, inThird Symposium on Combustion, Flame, and Explosion Phenomena(Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1949), p. 590.
3. K. P. Stanyukovich,Non-Stationary Flows in Continuous Media(in Russian, State Publishers of Technical-Theoretical Literature, Moscow, 1955) [Translation: (Pergamon Press, London, 1960), p. 310].
4. N. Manson,XXXIe Congrés International de Chimie Indutrielle, Liege, 7–20 September, 1958(Industrie Chimique Belge-Belgische Chemische, Bruxelles, Belgique), Vol. II, p. 192.