1. D. E. Kerr (editor), Propagation of short radio waves (Peninsula Publishing, Los Altos, CA, 1988).
2. W. C. Y. Lee, Mobile communications design fundamentals (John Wiley & Sons, 1993).
3. ITU-R, Rec. P.452-11, “Prediction Procedure for the Evaluation of Microwave Interference Between Stations on the Surface of the Earth at Frequencies above about 0.7 GHz,” (International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, Switzerland, 2003).
4. H. J. Hansen, A. S. Kulessa, W. Marwood, M. Forrest, D. Borg and O. Reinhold, “Multipath and anomalous propagation studies of Ka band emissions using a distributed transmit-receive radio link network experiment,” in Proc. IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), Melbourne, VIC, 2011, pp. 749–752.
5. A ducting climatology derived from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts global analysis fields