1. S. O. Knox, H. Meuth, F. L. Ribe, and E. Sevillano, Conference Record—IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Madison, Wisconsin, 1980 (IEEE, New York, 1980), Paper IA5.
2. S. O. Knox, H. Meuth, F. L. Ribe, and E. Sevillano, Phys. Fluids 25, 262 (1982).PFLDAS0031-9171
3. See, for example, L. Spitzer, Jr., Physics of Fully Ionized Gases (Interscience, New York, 1962), 2nd. ed, pp. 61–67.
4. D. L. Fisher, T. S. Green, and G. B. F. Niblett, Plasma Phys. 4, 181 (1962).
5. M. H. Brennan, A. L. McCarthy, and M. L. Sawley, Plasma Phys. 22, 77 (1980).PLPHBZ0032-1028