1. C. W. Searle, W. G. D. Frederick and H. J. Garrett, IEEE Trans., Magn. Vol. MAG‐9, 8164 (1973).
2. W. M. Swift, W. T. Reynolds, R. M. Schrecengost and D. V. Ratnam, API Conf. Proc. No. 29, 612 (1975).
3. F. F. Westendorp, IEEE Trans. Magn. Vol. MAG‐12, 968 (1970).IEMGAQ0018-9464
4. Measurements carried out at the University of Dayton.
5. S. Foner, E. J. McNiff, Jr., D. L. Martin, and M. G. Benz, App. Phys. Lett. 20, 447 (1972).APPLAB0003-6951