Experimental studies of the shock wave properties of two epoxy resins with the same composition but different curing temperatures (160 and 200 °C) at up to 330 GPa pressure have been carried out. Laser interferometry was used to record particle velocity profiles at up to 73 GPa pressure while measuring the shock wave velocity. The release sound velocity was experimentally determined in the 3–73 GPa pressure range. Cumulative explosive shock wave generators were used to study the shock Hugoniot of epoxy resins at pressures above 100 GPa. It was shown that the shock compressibility data of both samples are approximated by a single shock Hugoniot within the experimental error. A kink on Hugoniot recorded close to 25 GPa pressure indicates a chemical decomposition in epoxy resin. Above this kink, a change in the shock wave front structure was recorded. Hugoniots of epoxy resin and unidirectional carbon/epoxy composite were compared at up to 370 GPa pressure.
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation