1. Nanophotonics Research Center, Institute of Microscale Optoelectronics and State Key Laboratory of Radio Frequency Heterogeneous Integration, Shenzhen University 1 , Shenzhen 518060, China
2. Research Institute of Intelligent Sensing, Research Center for Humanoid Sensing 2 , Zhejiang Lab, Hangzhou 311100, China
The recently developed concept of optical skyrmions has introduced an exciting dimension to the emerging field of Poincaré engineering in optical lattices. There remains an unexplored territory in investigating system geometries to enhance the versatility of manipulating the topological landscape within optical lattices. Here, we present both experimental and theoretical evidence showcasing the periodic vectorial characteristics of field- and spin-based skyrmion lattices, generated by plasmonic vortices with varying topological charges. Our findings reveal that the geometric symmetry of the system plays a pivotal role in governing the periodic arrangement of these vortex patterns. Building upon this arrangement, the orbital–orbital coupling of plasmonic vortices gives rise to densely packed energy flow distributions, intricately bonded to topological charges. Consequently, this results in the formation of sublattices within the momentum space, each characterized by distinct k-vectors. Skyrmion and meron topologies, driven by the intrinsic spin–orbital coupling, are presented in these lattices. This proposed framework illuminates how symmetry serves as a fundamental tool in the manipulation of optical lattice topologies, opening up new avenues in fields ranging from optical trapping, laser writing, quantum gas microscopy, to electron quantum state control, each of which is poised to benefit from these nontrivial advances.
Guangdong Major Project of Basic and Applied Basic Research
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Science and Technology Innovation Commision of Shenzhen
Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province