1. Analysis of students' mathematical reasoning ability using connecting, extending, review (CER) learning model
2. A. A. P. N. Anggraini, I. K. Ulianta, and M. Awanita, “Pengaruh Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Terhadap Kecakapan Problem Solving Peserta Didik Kelas Viii Di Pasraman Amrta Jati Cinere,” Jurnal Pasupati, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 65–84, 2021.
3. R. Rismawati, A. M. I. A. Asfar, A. M. I. T. Asfar, and A. Nurannisa, “International Conference on Education, Teacher Training, and Professional Development Application of android-based online learning on students ’ mathematical connection ability during the Covid-19 Pandemic,” in International Conference on Education, Teacher Training, and Professional Development, 2021, no. August, pp. 95–101.
4. A. Nurannisa, A. M. I. T. Asfar, A. M. I. A. Asfar, and A. Syaifullah, “International Conference on Education, Teacher Training, and Professional Development Analysis of student responses to online-based mathematics learning with integration of local wisdom Sulapa Eppa Walasuji,” in International Conference on Education, Teacher Training, and Professional Development, 2021, no. August, pp. 51–56.
5. Students’ mathematical reasoning ability in solving PISA-like mathematics problem COVID-19 context