1. G. Gambarini, D. Bettega, A. Gebbia, M. Felisi, E. Artuso, E. Durisi, V. Monti, V. Klupak, L. Viererbland and M. Vins, “Uncertainties in the absorbed dose determination in irradiations with epithermal neutrons due to the dependence of neutron transport on shape and size of the exposed volume” in ICNCT-18, Taipei, Taiwan, Abstract book, 2018, pp 70–71.
2. T. Kobayashi, “A practical handling of the limitation of absorbed dose in BNCT”” in ICNCT-18, Taipei, Taiwan, Abstract book, 2018, pp 87–89.
3. A. Zaboronok, S. Taskaev, V. Kanygin, T. Bykovet et al, “Hybrid gold and boron nanoparticles for treatment and boron dose estimation inboron neutron capture therapy for malignant glioma” in ICNCT-18, Taipei, Taiwan, Abstract book, 2018, pp 106–108.
4. H. Koivunoro, S. Gonzalez, L. Provenzano and L. Kankaanranta, “Comparison of relative biological effectiveness (RBE) doses and the photon isoeffective dose model for predicting the normal tissue complication probability inboron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) of head and neck cancer patients” in ICNCT-18, Taipei, Taiwan, Abstract book, 2018, pp 122–124.
5. S. Gonzalez, H. Koivunoro, L. Provenzano, C. Ferrari, L. Cansolino, S. Bortolussi, I. Postuma, S. Altieri, N. Protti, R. DiLiberto and H. Joensuu, “How do photon iso-effective tumor doses derived from in-vitro BNCT studiescompare to those from in-vivo cancer model data” in ICNCT-18, Taipei, Taiwan, Abstract book, 2018, pp 126–128.