1. Electric power industry of Uzbekistan. http://energo-cis.ru/wyswyg/file/news/ Power System_uzbekistan. pdf.
2. The concept of providing Uzbekistan with electric energy for 2020-2030. http://minenergy.uz/uploads/1a28427c-cf47-415e-da5c-47d2c7564095_media_.pdf.
3. The Ministry of Energy: goals, objectives, plans and achievements. https://minenergy.uz/ru/lists/view/10
4. Enerdata Statistical Yearbook of World Energy 2019, https://yearbook.enerdata.ru/renewables/wind-solar-share-electricity-production.html
5. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-2947” On the program of measures for the further development of hydropower for 2017-2021” dated May 2, 2017. http://lex.uz/pages/getpage.aspx?lact_id=3219734