1. S. Shkarlet, Infected 74 Schools in Ukraine are not Connected to the Internet (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2020).
2. 40% of Ukrainian Schools do not Have a Clear Connection to the Internet (Ministry and the Committee for Digital Transformation, Kyiv, 2020).
3. O. I. Zelinskyi, The Teaching Methodology of the Subject “Technology” at the Vocational School. Professional Education: Problems and Prospects 9, 59–64 (2015).
4. From dual digitalization to digital learning space: Exploring the digital transformation of higher education
5. Letter No. 3900/0/14-11/021 dated 04/14/2011 “Training, Retraining and Advanced Training: Definitions of Terms and Mandatory,” (Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2011).