1. See supplementary material at https://www.merdeka.com/uang/5-alasan-belanja-di-toko-kelontong-masih-diperlukan-di-era-digitalisasi.html for the article news of “5 Alasan Belanja di Toko Kelontong Masih Diperlukan di Era Digitalisasi” from merdeka.com webpage.
2. R. Damayani, Hasbiullah and S. Aisyah, ICOR Journal of Regional Economics 1, 34–48 (2020).
3. See supplementary material at https://seoanaksholeh.com/permasalahan-umkm/ for the article news of “Inilah 8 Permasalahan UMKM Yang Sering Terjadi” from SEO Anak Sholeh webpage.
4. See supplementary material at https://astromesin.com/harga-mesin-pengemas-gula/ for the pricelist of “Mesin Pengemas Gula Kiloan Otomatis” from astromesin.com webpage.
5. E. Lestari and W. R. Raja, Jurnal ilmiah Agribisnis, Ekonomi dan Sosial OPTIMA 3, 24–29 (2019).