Nature of the metallic and in-gap states in Ni-doped SrTiO3


Alarab Fatima1ORCID,Hricovini Karol2ORCID,Leikert Berengar3ORCID,Richter Christine2ORCID,Schmitt Thorsten1,Sing Michael3ORCID,Claessen Ralph3ORCID,Minár Ján4ORCID,Strocov Vladimir N.1ORCID


1. Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institute 1 , 5232 Villigen-PSI, Switzerland

2. 2 Université Paris-Saclay and CY Cergy Paris Université, CEA, LIDYL, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France

3. Physikalisches Institut and Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat, Julius–Maximilians-Universität 3 , 97074 Würzburg, Germany

4. New Technologies Research Centre, University of West Bohemia 4 , 301 00, Plzeň, Czech Republic


Epitaxial thin films of SrTiO3(100) doped with 6% and 12% Ni are studied with resonant angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy at the Ti and Ni L2,3-edges. We find that the Ni doping shifts the valence band of n-doped pristine SrTiO3 toward the Fermi level (in the direction of p-doping) and reducing the bandgap. In the Ti t2g-derived mobile electron system (MES), the Ni doping depopulates the out-of-plane dxz/yz-derived bands, transforming the MES to two-dimensional and progressively reduces the electron density embedded in the in-plane dxy-derived bands as reflected in their Fermi momentum. Furthermore, the Ti and Ni L2,3-edge resonant photoemission is used to identify the Ni 3d impurity state in the vicinity of the valence-band maximum and decipher the full spectrum of the in-gap states originating from the Ni atoms, Ti atoms, and from their hybridized orbitals. Our experimental information about the dependence of the valence bands, MES, and in-gap states in Ni-doped SrTiO3 may help the development of this material toward its device applications associated with the reduced optical bandgap.


Swiss National Foundation

ERDF as a Part of MSMT

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


AIP Publishing







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