1. M. Robert, "Algebra, the new civil right," in The algebra colloquium, edited by C. Lacampagne, W. Blair and J. Kaput (Eds.) (Washington, DC: US Department of Education, 1995), pp. 53 – 67.
2. J. J. Kaput, "Transforming algebra from an engine of inequity to an engine of mathematical power by ’algebrafying’ the k-12 curriculum," in the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the Mathematical Sciences Education Board (Eds), The nature and role of algebra in the K– 14 curriculum: Proceedings of a National Symposium (National Academies Press, Washington DC, 1998), pp. 25–26.
3. C. Kieran, Math. Educ. 8, 139–151 (2004).
4. A. Arcavi, P. Drijvers and K. Stacey, The Learning and Teaching of Algebra: Ideas, Insights and Activities (Routledge, England, 2016).
5. Linear algebra revisited: an attempt to understand students' conceptual difficulties