1. School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Chengdu University of Technology 1 , Chengdu 610059, China
2. School of Industrial Technology, Chengdu University of Technology 2 , Yibin 644000, China
Orientation-patterned gallium phosphide (OP-GaP) and orientation-patterned gallium antimonide (OP-GaSb) have demonstrated excellent potential for broadband second harmonic generation (SHG), with a wide range of fundamental wavelengths and temperature tunability, making them promising candidates for use in various applications. In this paper, an analytical demonstration of forward and backward broadband SHG is presented, delivering the fundamental wavelengths in 0.7–12.5 and 2.4–9.8 µm, respectively, through the utilization of OP-GaP and OP-GaSb with quasi-phase-matching (QPM). The temperature tuning ranges for OP-GaP and OP-GaSb are −195–176 and −192–126 °C, respectively. OP-GaP and OP-GaSb can obtain forward broadband QPM SHG when the conditions of QPM and group-velocity matching (GVM) are satisfied simultaneously. The bandwidths of OP-GaP and OP-GaSb with lengths of 10 mm are found to be 776 and 484 nm, respectively, in the forward GVM fundamental wavelength for forward broadband SHG at 25 °C. The bandwidths for backward broadband SHG in the forward GVM fundamental wavelength are also calculated, but the results showed that OP-GaP and OP-GaSb can only achieve forward broadband QPM SHG. Variations of the GVM fundamental wavelength have also been demonstrated as a function of temperature.
General Physics and Astronomy