1. Global Solar Atlas. https://globalsolaratlas.info/map (Sept 2021).
2. Boletín del mercado eléctrico. Asociación de generadoras de chile (2020).
3. R. Chilean NDC Mitigation Proposal: Methodological Approach and Supporting Ambition. Mitigation and Energy Working Group Report. Santiago. COP25 Scientific Committee; Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation (2019).
4. IRENA. Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2019, International Renewable Energy Agency (2020).
5. World record low bid of 39,99/MWh for Concentrated Solar Power in Chile’s auction - HELIOSCSP. https://helioscsp.com/world-record-low-bid-of-0-0399-kwh-for-concentrated-solar-power-in-chiles-auction/ (Sept 2021).