Panjaitan Nismah,Harahap Fariz Affandi
Reference21 articles.
1. A. D. Sari, M. R. Suryoputro, M. D. Pramaningtyas, P. S. Putra, and S. B. Maulidyawati, “Work Physiology Evaluation of Laundry Workers" IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, (2016), pp. 1–3.
2. Panjaitan, Nismah, et al., "Calculation of Physiological Load and Energy Consumption of Warehouse Operators in Manufacturing Companies," IOP Conf Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020, pp. 2.
3. Iwan Nauli Daulay and Henni Noviasari, “Ergonomic Analysis of Calorie Physical Workload and Mental Workload Towards The Indonesian Paramedics of Public and Private Hospital” International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, (2019), pp. 2118.
4. Zhang, Wenqian, Shuhai Fan, Jiawei Ziong, and Siyu Chen, “A Biobjective Model for Manual Materials Handling with Energy Consumption Being Accounted For” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, (2018), pp. 3.
5. Polat, Olcay, Ozcan Mutlu, and Elif Ozgormus, "A Mathematical Model For Assembly Line Balancing Problem Type 2 Under Ergonomic Workload Constraint" The Ergonomics Open Journal (2018), Pp. 3.