Impact mechanism of active nanofluid on oil–water two-phase seepage during and after fracturing fluid invasion in tight oil reservoirs


Li ShihaoORCID,Zhong LiguoORCID,Gao DapengORCID,Fan LihuaORCID,Zhu YuORCID


Due to damage caused by fracturing fluid invasion, tight oil reservoirs exhibit slow post-hydraulic fracturing production recovery and low productivity. This study investigates the impact of a nanoclay-based active agent system on oil–water two-phase flow during and after fracturing fluid invasion, emphasizing its potential for enhancing recovery in tight oil reservoirs. Laboratory experiments using crude oil and natural core samples analyze the mechanism of how nanofluids affect oil–water distribution and flow characteristics during fracturing fluid invasion and oil recovery stages. Results show that nanofluids rapidly disrupt the emulsified state of “water-in-oil” emulsions, reducing emulsion viscosity by 84.19% and oil–water interfacial tension by two orders of magnitude, facilitating oil droplet dispersion and deformation and altering the wettability of oil-wet rock surfaces to aid crude oil detachment. Nanofluids increase the accessible volume of the water phase in pores and throats, enlarging flow paths for fracturing fluid flowback and oil recovery. The oil recovery process post-fracturing fluid invasion is delineated into three stages: substantial fracturing fluid flowback in the first stage, with nanofluids reducing the fluid return rate by 11.08% upon crude oil breakthrough; emulsion droplets occupying pores and throats in the second stage, with nanofluids reducing additional resistance during emulsion flow; and continuous oil production in the third stage, with nanofluids consistently and stably altering rock surface wettability to reduce invaded rock matrix resistance to oil flow. The findings of this study hold potential value in mitigating damage from fracturing fluid invasion in tight oil reservoirs.




AIP Publishing

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