1. L. Spitzer, Jr.,Physics of Fully Ionized Gases(Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, 1956).
2. Spectroscopic Studies of Highly Ionized Argon Produced by Shock Waves
3. M. Camac, J. Fay, R. Feinberg, and N. Kemp, inProceedings of the1963Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute(Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1963), p. 58.
4. D. Bershader and R. Rutowski, in Magnetohydrodynamics,Proceedings of the Fourth Biennial Gas Dynamics Symposium(Northwestern University Press, Evanston, Illinois, 1962).
5. Electrical Conductivity of Highly Ionized Argon Produced by Shock Waves