Characterization of ECRH plasmas in TOMAS


Buermans J.12ORCID,Adriaens A.12ORCID,Brezinsek S.3ORCID,Crombé K.12ORCID,Desmet N.1ORCID,Dittrich L.4ORCID,Goriaev A.1ORCID,Kovtun Yu.5ORCID,López-Rodríguez L. D.12ORCID,Petersson P.4ORCID,Van Schoor M.1


1. Laboratory for Plasma Physics LPP-ERM/KMS 1 , 1000 Brussels, Belgium

2. Department of Applied Physics, Ghent University 2 , 9000 Ghent, Belgium

3. Institute for Energy and Climate Research, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH 3 , 52428 Jülich, Germany

4. Fusion Plasma Physics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology 4 , 10044 Stockholm, Sweden

5. Institute of Plasma Physics, NSC KIPT 5 , 61108 Kharkov, Ukraine


To improve the plasma performance and control the density and plasma quality during the flat top phase, wall conditioning techniques are used in large fusion devices like W7-X and in JT60-SA. To study the performance of electron cyclotron wall conditioning, numerous experiments were performed on the TOroidally MAgnetized System, which is operated by LPP-ERM/KMS at the FZ-Jülich. It is a facility designed to study plasma production, wall conditioning, and plasma–surface interactions. The produced electron cyclotron resonance heating plasmas are characterized in various conditions by density and temperature measurements using a movable triple Langmuir probe in the horizontal and the vertical direction, complemented by video and spectroscopic data, to obtain a 2D extrapolation of the plasma parameters in the machine. A way to calibrate the triple Langmuir probe measurements is also investigated. These data can be used to determine the direction of the plasma drift in the vessel and identify the power absorption mechanisms. This will give more insight in the plasma behavior and improve the efficiency of wall conditioning and sample exposure experiments.




AIP Publishing







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