1. R. Saferstein, Forensic science: From the crime scene to the crime lab (Pearson, New Jersey, 2013) pp. 161
2. H. J. Kobus, K. P. Kirkbride and M.A. Raymond, “Identification: Fingerprints a Key Identification Parameter – Detection, Identification, and Interpretation” in Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine, edited by (Elsevier Ltd., Netherlands, 2016). pp. 65
3. B. Yamashita, M. French, S. Bleay, A. A. Cantu, V. Inlow, R. Ramotowski, V. Sears and M. Wakefield, “Latent Print Development” in The Fingerprint Sourcebook, edited by B. Yamashita and M. French (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Washington, DC, 2011) pp. 7
4. Fingerprint detection: current capabilities
5. H. M. Daluz, Fundamentals of Fingerprint Analysis. (CRC Press, Florida, 2014)