Advanced fuel fusion, phase space engineering, and structure-preserving geometric algorithms


Qin Hong12ORCID


1. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University , Princeton, New Jersey 08540, USA and , Princeton, New Jersey 08540, USA

2. Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University , Princeton, New Jersey 08540, USA and , Princeton, New Jersey 08540, USA


Non-thermal advanced fuel fusion trades the requirement of a large amount of recirculating tritium in the system for that of large recirculating power. Phase space engineering technologies utilizing externally injected electromagnetic fields can be applied to meet the challenge of maintaining non-thermal particle distributions at a reasonable cost. The physical processes of the phase space engineering are studied from a theoretical and algorithmic perspective. It is emphasized that the operational space of phase space engineering is limited by the underpinning symplectic dynamics of charged particles. The phase space incompressibility according to the Liouville theorem is just one of many constraints, and Gromov's non-squeezing theorem determines the minimum footprint of the charged particles on every conjugate phase space plane. In this sense and level of sophistication, the mathematical abstraction of phase space engineering is symplectic topology. To simulate the processes of phase space engineering, such as the Maxwell demon and electromagnetic energy extraction, and to accurately calculate the minimum footprints of charged particles, recently developed structure-preserving geometric algorithms can be used. The family of algorithms conserves exactly, on discretized spacetime, symplecticity and thus incompressibility, non-squeezability, and symplectic capacities. The algorithms apply to the dynamics of charged particles under the influence of external electromagnetic fields as well as the charged particle–electromagnetic field system governed by the Vlasov–Maxwell equations.


Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory


AIP Publishing







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