1. Radiation effects testing at the 88-inch cyclotron
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3. C. M. Lyneis, Z. Q. Xie, and C. E. Taylor, “Design of the 3rd Generation ECR Ion Source,” in Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on ECR Ion Sources (Texas A&M University, USA, 1997), p. 115.
4. D. Leitner, M. A. McMahan, D. Argento, T. Gimpel, A. Guy, J. Morel, C. Siero, R. Thatcher, C. M. Lyneis, ”Heavy ion cocktail beams at the 88 Inch Cyclotron,” LBNL Report LBNL-51451 (2002).
5. C.M. Lyneis, Z.Q. Xie, and D.J. Clark, “LBNL 88-lnch Cyclotron Improvements,” in Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Cyclotrons and their Applications (Cape Town, South Africa, 1995), pp. 173–176..