1. C. S. Wang Chang and G. E. Uhlenbeck, “On the Propagation of Sound in Monatomic Gases,” Engineering Research Institute, University of Michigan (1952).
2. C. S. Wang Chang and G. E. Uhlenbeck, “The Heat Transfer between Two Parallel Plates,” Engineering Research Institute, University of Michigan (1953).
3. C. S. Wang and G. E. Uhlenbeck, “The Couette Flow between Two Parallel Plates,” Engineering Research Institute, University of Michigan (1954).
4. C. S. Wang Chang and G. E. Uhlenbeck, “On the Behavior of a Gas near a Wall,” Engineering Research Institute, University of Michigan (1956).
5. H. M. Mott-Smith, “A New Approach in the Kinetic Theory of Gases,” Lincoln Laboratory, MIT (1954).