1. Summary of the satellite workshop on thermal problems of synchrotron radiation optics
2. “High Heat Flux Engineering,” held as a conference at the SPIE 1992 International Symposium, San Diego, CA, July 21–23, 1992. Proceedings published asProc. SPIE 1739, (1993).PSISDG0277-786X
3. “High Heat Flux Engineering II,” held as a conference at the SPIE 1993 International Symposium, San Diego, CA, July 12–13, 1993. Proceedings published asProc. SPIE 1997, (1994).PSISDG0277-786X
4. Optical design and performance of the X25 hybrid wiggler beam line at the National Synchrotron Light Source
5. Double‐crystal monochromator for high‐power and high‐energy synchrotron radiation