1. Development of an Automated Visibility Analysis Framework for Pavement Markings Based on the Deep Learning Approach
2. Framework for Machine Learning-Based Pavement Marking Inspection and Geohash-Based Monitoring
3. Temporary Traffic Control Device Detection for Road Construction Projects Using Deep Learning Application
4. Song, K., Chen, D., Seo, S., Jeon, J., and Kang, K. (2021) “Feasibility of Deep Learning in Segmentation of Road Construction Work Zone using Vehicle-Mounted Monocular Camera” 34th US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship (UKC), December 15-18, Garden Grove, CA, USA
5. Lee S., Kang, K., Seo, S., Hu, Q., Koo, D., and Lee, J. (2020) “Framework for Smart Facility Management through Citizen Participation” 33rd US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship (UKC) December 14-17, Virtual