1. Institute of Applied Physics RAS , 603950 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
We suggest using emission from the photoinjector-formed electron bunches moving through micro-undulators for generation of powerful super-radiant pulses in the terahertz/far infrared frequency range. Within the time-domain quasi-optical approach, we demonstrate the spatial coherence of emission with narrow angular spectrum from the electron bunches with transverse size limited by the Fresnel parameter NF ∼ 1, when the diffraction effects together with slippage provide synchronization of radiation from the entire volume of the extended bunch. For picosecond-duration, 5 MeV, 250 pC electron bunches, and a micro-undulator with a period of 3 mm, the peak power of 15 THz SR pulses can be about of 20 MW.
Russian Science Foundation