1. Fast-Wave Heating of Two-Ion Plasmas in the Princeton Large Torus through Minority-Cyclotron-Resonance Damping
2. D. Q. Hwang (private communication).
3. D. Grove, V. Arunasalam, K. Bol, D. Boyd, N. Bretz, M. Brusati, S. Cohen, D. Dimock, F. Dylla, D. Eames, H. Eubank, B. Fraenkel, J. Girard, R. Hawryluk, E. Hinnov, R. Horton, J. Hosea, H. Hsuan, D. Ignat, F. Jobes, D. Johnson, E. Mazzucato, E. Meservey, N. Sauthoff, J. Schivell, G. Schmidt, R. Smith, F. Stauffer, W. Stodiek, J. Strachan, S. Suckewer, S. von Goeler, and K. Young, inProceedings of the 6th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Berchtesgaden, 1976 (IAEA, Vienna, 1977), Vol. 1, p. 21.
4. Study of the Density Fluctuations in the Adiabatic Toroidal Compressor Scattering Tokamak UsingCO2Laser