Yavruyan Kh. S.,Kotlyar V. D.,Gayshun E. S.,Okhotnaya A. S.,Budagyants G. O.,Dementyeva E. V.
Reference17 articles.
1. Yavruyan, Kh.S., Kotlyar, V.D., Lotoshnikova, E.O., Gayshun, E.S. Issledovanie srednefraktsionnykh materialov pererabotki terrikonikov dlya proizvodstva izdeliy stenovoy keramiki. [Investigation of medium-fraction materials processing of terriconics for production of wall ceramic products.] Construction materials, 2018, no. 4, pp. 17–20 (in Russian).
2. Kotlyar, V., Yavruyan K. Thin issues products of processing waste heaps as raw materials for ceramic wall products. MATEC Web of Conferences Ser. “International Conference on Modern Trends in Manufacturing Technologies and Equipment, ICMTMTE 2017”, 2017, pp. 0501.
3. Kotlyar, V.D., Kozlov, A.V., Kotlyar, A.V., Terekhina, Yu.V. Argillitopodobnye gliny yuga Rossii – perspektivnoe syr’e dlya proizvodstva klinkernogo kirpicha. [Argillite-like clays of the South of Russia - a promising raw material for production of clinker brick.] Nauchnoe obozrenie, 2014, no. 7-3, pp. 847–850 (in Russian).
4. Kotlyar, V., Yavruyan, Kh., Gaishun, E., Teryokhina Y. Comprehensive approach to the processing of East Donbass Spopl Tip. Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference “Management of Municipal Waste as an Important Factor of Sustainable Urban Development” (WASTE’2018), 2018, pp. 22–24.
5. Stolboushkin, A.Yu., Ivanov, A.I., Fomina, O.A. Use of Coal-Mining and Processing Wastes in Production of Bricksand Fuel for Their Burning. International Conference on Industrial Engineering, ICIE 2016, Procedia Engineering 150 (2016), pp. 1496–1502.