1. Innovation Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria and Measures for its Implementation, Sofia 2006, www.mi.government.bg/files/useruploads/files/innovations/innovation_strategy-2006.pdf.
2. Model of the Factors Affecting the Eco-Innovation Activity of Bulgarian Industrial Enterprises
3. Aubert, J.-E., Promotion Innovation in Developing Countries: a Conceptual Framework, Policy Research Working Paper 3554, The World Bank, April 2005.
4. G. Georgiev, The Complex Support to Micro-companies as a Strategic Development Factor, (Plovdiv, Intelexpert 94, 2023, ISBN 978-619-7220-89-6).
5. Innovation Act, www.mi.government.bg/files/useruploads/files/innovations/zi_03.05.2016_1-final.pdf.