1. On the heating mix of ITER
2. M. A. Henderson , R. Chavan , R. Bertizzolo , D. Campbell , I. Danilov , F. Dolizy , D. Farina , K. Kleefeldt , R. Heidinger , J. D. Landis , E. Poli , G. Ramponi , G. Saibene , F. Sanchez , O. Sauter , A. Serikov , H. Shidara , P. Spaeh , H. Zohm , and C. Zucca , inProceedings of the 14th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Santorini, Greece, edited by A. Lazaros ( Heliotopos Conferences Ltd. Athens, 2006), p. 558.
3. ITER ECRH-ECCD System Capabilities for Extended Physics Applications
4. Potential of the ITER electron cyclotron equatorial launcher for heating and current drive at nominal and reduced fields
5. Overview of the ITER EC H&CD system and its capabilities