1. Reversed-field-pinch research
2. T. Tamano, T. Carlstrom, C. Chu, R. Goforth, G. Jackson, R. La Haye, T. Ohkawa, M. Schaffer, P. Taylor, N. Brooks, and R. Chase, inProceedings of the 9th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Baltimore, 1982 (IAEA, Vienna, 1983), Vol. I, p. 609.
3. D. Baker, M. Bausman, C. Buchenauer, L. Burkhardt, G. Chandler, J. DiMarco, J. Downing, P. Forman, R. Gribble, A. Haberstich, R. Howell, J. Ingraham, A. Jacobson, F. Jahoda, V. Klare, E. Little, L. Mann, R. Massey, J. Melton, G. Miller, R. Moses, J. Phillips, A. Schofield, K. Schoenberg, K. Thomas, R. Watt, P. Weber, and R. Wilkins, in Ref. 2, Vol. I, p. 587.
4. C. G. Gimblett and M. L. Watkins, inProceedings of the 3rd Topical Conference on Pulsed High Beta Plasmas(Pergamon, London, 1976), p. 279,
5. Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics(Ecole Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne, 1975), Vol. I, p. 103.