1. R.G. Allis, P. Gettings and D.S. Chapman, Precise Gravimetry and Geothermal Reservoir Management, Twenty-Fitfh Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Proceedings (Stanford University, Stanford California, 2000).
2. N. O. Marita, Application of Precision Gravity Measurement to Reservoir Monitoring of Olkaria Geothermal Field in Kenya, World Geothermal Congress 2000 Proceedings (Kyushu – Tohoku, Japan, May 28 – Jun 10, 2000).
3. Nano variations in gravity due to seasonal groundwater movements: Implications for the gravitational detection of tectonic movements
4. Continuous measurement of nontidal variations of gravity
5. C. Akasaka and S. Nakanishi, An Evaluation of The Background Noise for Microgravity Monitoring in The Oguni Field in Japan, Proceedings of 25th Stanford Geothermal Workshop, (24-26 January 2000).