1. High-Entropy Alloys – A New Era of Exploitation
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3. High-entropy alloys: Interrelations between electron concentration, phase composition, lattice parameter, and properties
4. E.N. Eremin, S.A. Guchenko, V.M. Yurov and O.N. Zavatskaya, «Wear resistance and tribological properties of high-entropy coatings CrNiTiZrCu» in 11th International Scientific Conference «Chaos and Structures in Nonlinear Systems. Theory and experiment», (KarSU named after Academician E.A. Buketova, Karaganda, 2019) pp. 90–94.
5. V.M. Yurov, V.S. Oleshko and A.V. Fedorov, «Development of a device for determining the electron work function» in 11th International Scientific Conference «Chaos and Structures in Nonlinear Systems. Theory and experiment», (KarSU named after Academician E.A. Buketova, Karaganda, 2019) pp. 149–154.