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3. The first terms on the right‐hand side of Eq. (1.5) are the components of the metric tensor of the flat, Minkowski space‐time. This is appropriate if λ, the cosmological constant in (1.2), vanishes; for then gμν = δμν solves Eq. (1.4) to order κ0. If λ≠0 it is necessary to replace δμν by the components of the de Sitter metric. The Fierz‐Pauli program for this case was carried out for integer spins. C. Fronsdal, Phys. Rev. D 12, 3819 (1975); PRVDAQ0556-2821
4. J. Fang and C. Fronsdal, Lett. Math. Phys. 2, 391 (1978); LMPHDY0377-9017
5. C. Fronsdal, UCLA preprint, UCLA/78/TEP/23, 1978.