Efficient all-electron hybrid density functionals for atomistic simulations beyond 10 000 atoms


Kokott Sebastian1ORCID,Merz Florian2ORCID,Yao Yi3ORCID,Carbogno Christian1ORCID,Rossi Mariana4ORCID,Havu Ville5,Rampp Markus6ORCID,Scheffler Matthias1ORCID,Blum Volker37ORCID


1. The NOMAD Laboratory at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft and IRIS Adlershof of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 1 , Berlin, Germany

2. Lenovo HPC Innovation Center 2 , Stuttgart, Germany

3. Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science, Duke University 3 , Durham, North Carolina 27708, USA

4. MPI for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter 4 , Luruper Chaussee 149, 22761 Hamburg, Germany

5. Department of Applied Physics, School of Science, Aalto University 5 , Espoo, Finland

6. Max Planck Computing and Data Facility 6 , 85748 Garching, Germany

7. Department of Chemistry, Duke University 7 , Durham, North Carolina 27708, USA


Hybrid density functional approximations (DFAs) offer compelling accuracy for ab initio electronic-structure simulations of molecules, nanosystems, and bulk materials, addressing some deficiencies of computationally cheaper, frequently used semilocal DFAs. However, the computational bottleneck of hybrid DFAs is the evaluation of the non-local exact exchange contribution, which is the limiting factor for the application of the method for large-scale simulations. In this work, we present a drastically optimized resolution-of-identity-based real-space implementation of the exact exchange evaluation for both non-periodic and periodic boundary conditions in the all-electron code FHI-aims, targeting high-performance central processing unit (CPU) compute clusters. The introduction of several new refined message passing interface (MPI) parallelization layers and shared memory arrays according to the MPI-3 standard were the key components of the optimization. We demonstrate significant improvements of memory and performance efficiency, scalability, and workload distribution, extending the reach of hybrid DFAs to simulation sizes beyond ten thousand atoms. In addition, we also compare the runtime performance of the PBE, HSE06, and PBE0 functionals. As a necessary byproduct of this work, other code parts in FHI-aims have been optimized as well, e.g., the computation of the Hartree potential and the evaluation of the force and stress components. We benchmark the performance and scaling of the hybrid DFA-based simulations for a broad range of chemical systems, including hybrid organic–inorganic perovskites, organic crystals, and ice crystals with up to 30 576 atoms (101 920 electrons described by 244 608 basis functions).


European Research Council

Horizon 2020 Framework Programme


AIP Publishing

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