1. M. Dahlinger, K. Carstens, E. Hoffmann, S. Wansleben, J. R. Köhler, R. Zapf-Gottwick, and J. H. Werner, “23.2 Efficiency with Laser Processed IBC Solar Cells”, in Proceedings of the 31st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, (WIP, München, 2015), pp. 462–465.
2. 23.2% laser processed back contact solar cell: fabrication, characterization and modeling
3. AutomationML in a Nutshell
4. Optimized Laser Doped Back Surface Field for IBC Solar Cells
5. M. Dahlinger, “Laserprozessierte Rückkontakt-Solarzellen aus Silizium,” Ph.D. thesis, University of Stuttgart, 2017.