1. K. Pottler, S. Ulmer, E. Lüpfert, M. Landmann, M. Röger and C. Prahl, “Ensuring performance by geometric quality control and specifications for parabolic trough solar fields”, SolarPACES Conference 2013, Energy Procedia 49 (2014), pp. 2170–2179.
2. C. Prahl, M. Röger and C. Hilgert, “Air-borne shape measurement of parabolic trough collector fields”, SolarPACES Conference 2016, AIP Conf. Proc. 1850, pp. 020013-1-020013-8.
3. Automatic Noncontact Quality Inspection System for Industrial Parabolic Trough Assembly
4. S. Ulmer, C. Weber, H. Koch, M. Schramm, H. Pflüger, P. Ciement and H. Yildiz, “High-resolution measurement system for parabolic trough concentrator modules in series production”, Proceedings of SolarPACES Conference, Marrakesh, Morocco, 2012.
5. Parabolic Trough Optical Performance Analysis Techniques