1. R. K. Mobley cs., Maintenance Engineering Handbook 7th Edition, (The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc., NewYork, 2008), pp. 2–22
2. A. Denis, B. H. Wixom, and R. M. Roth, System Analysis and Design 5th Edition.(John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey, 2012). pp. 260
3. J. A. O’Brien and G. M. Marakas, Management Information Systems 10th Edition (The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc., New York, 2011),. pp. 492
4. Kossiakoff, Alexander dkk. System Engineering Principles And Practice 2nd Edition. (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey, 2011), pp. 3–40
5. Department of Defense. System Engineering Fundamentals (Defense Acquisition University Press Fort Belvoir, Virginia, 2001), pp. 3–34